「Appearing in the media」の記事一覧

We were posted on the morning paper in Tokushima!

Under the title “Naruto’s gift shop, The first participant in Tokushima.” A beach money shop called ISLAND was posted. Also the system of the beach money was introduced in the economic section.

Bohnichi times of Minami Boso introduced us, beach money!

News about beach money dated September 4th, 2018. With cooperation of ASA Tateyama(a newspaper distributor), beach money activities were introduced on Bohnichi Times.

We were posted on an August issue of magazine BE-PAL!

The beach money activities were introduced 4pgs in the section of “going rural!” on the August issue of BE-PAL.

News program in Taiwan picked us up!

A Taiwanese TV crew came to visit us in Minami Izu, where the beach money office is located.

Posted on weekly kids Jyomo Shimbun in Gunma, on May 20th!

I would be very pleased if this will be a trigger to expand Beach money in Gunma as well.

EARTH Labに出演させていただきました!

BSのTBSテレビ「EARTH Lab」という番組(2016年12月24日放送)で、ビーチマネーを取り上げていただきました。取材をしてくださった日が、ちょうど、11月20日の「第8回ビーチグラスコンテスト」の日でしたので、取材にはもってこいの日でした。


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